Key Practice Areas

Do you have a case?

To speak with an attorney about your medical malpractice, personal injury or business litigation case, please call 618-257-2222 or fill out the contact form on this Web site.

Great Results

Our lawyers have secured numerous multi-million dollar recoveries in personal injury and class action claims.

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Frederick W. Keck
Rated by Super Lawyers

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The National Trial Lawyers

Attorney Referrals

If you are a general practitioner in southern Illinois or an attorney on the Missouri side of the river looking for a lawyer to handle a potential case in southern Illinois, our firm can help. When a client comes to you, there are many reasons why an attorney might look for another qualified attorney to handle a case. Whatever the reason, we appreciate that you are considering our firm.

Think of us as a tool in your toolbox, prepared to handle your complex litigation. We consider complex litigation as matters that are document-intensive, requiring time, resources and hands to scour hundreds or thousands of pages of documents, looking for the essential key to the case. Other complex litigation may focus on an issue that requires expert knowledge, causing an attorney to expend thousands of dollars on case review and preparation with no guarantee that recovery will ever be received.

Whether it's a case requiring expert review and substantial financial resources or document-intense research and a team of researchers, our firm can work alongside you and your client.

We also handle matters that differ procedurally from standard civil cases filed in circuit courts. Because of our understanding and experience with the technicalities of appellate procedure and federal court litigation, we welcome and receive referrals on matters that apply different rules and deadlines. Additionally, we represent public employers in labor issues, complementing the work done by local municipal attorneys. Negotiating new agreements, responding to grievances, and working across the table from union representatives are some of the services that we have experience and success in performing.

A focus on complex litigation
Over their years of practice, our lawyers discovered certain areas of the law that tend to be so complex and document-intensive that only through a concentrated focus on the areas can a lawyer confidently handle and prosecute the matters. From that discovery and after years of referrals, we have developed a system to successfully work these cases from intake through discovery and leading to trial-identifying the issues, discovering the important facts, and achieving significant recovery for the clients.

Most of our work in partnership with referring attorneys centers on certain complex or technical areas of the law:

  1. Medical Malpractice
  2. Childhood Sexual Abuse
  3. Public Labor Law
  4. Federal Court Litigation
  5. Fifth District Appellate Practice

Getting Started
The first step to a ny referral is to contact the lawyer and discuss the case. We recognize and understand that you have a vested interest in the case-your relationship with your client is important, and a referral is a reflection on you. You can either refer the case to us or we can work alongside you to review the case, consult with the client, and prepare the case for trial.